The Home Threat – Segment One

He heard the news as it came across the radio. More Americans had lost their lives to the barbarianism of Islamic terrorist in Syria. Jason Cannon listened to the reporter as he drove home from work. The memory of the time he spent in Afghanistan, fighting against the Taliban, as well as his last day in country, was still clear in his head. He spent six years as part of the Navy’s Seal Team Six, participating in hundreds of covert missions. He only wished he could still be with his team, but a well placed RPG that killed two of his brothers and destroyed his left arm, ended his carrier in the Navy. Jason spent the best part of two years recovering from his wounds and only recently secured a job as a security consultant at National Oilwell in Washington DC.

The news he was listening to, infuriated him. If the idiots in Washington hadn’t pulled out of Iraq, this new Islamic threat wouldn’t have taken such a strong hold in the cities he and his buddies spilled their blood to win. Between what they had caused in the middle east and what they where doing in the states, it was obvious to Jason that this administration was somehow apart of the Islamic threat. He needed to do something. His country was being infiltrated and overrun with the people he fought to stop in Afghanistan. He still had friends in the Pentagon that he knew he could contact. He wanted find out what he could do. How he might help keep anyone else from dying by these murderous extremist. It wasn’t going to be easy. His injuries were going to keep him out of going back in play with the Navy. He thought about what he might do.

Jason picked up his cell phone and made a call. After a short two minute conversation he hung up. He knew that this was the right move, and he knew he was the guy to get it done. He would have to walk away from the new job. His family would have to be lied to. His friends would never be able to know, but he would be back in the covert game, only this time, not with the military. This time he would be working with a privately funded organization that worked completely off the grid. A company operating with instructions from the CIA Counter Terrorist Unit. A company that took all the risk. Jason knew what that meant for him. He knew that if he was caught, he would be prosecuted, and know one from the CIA would back him up. He could never talk about the CIA having any involvement even if he went to jail. Jason smiled, He wouldn’t get caught.

(To be continued)


Loss of focus

When I created this blog I wanted to have a place where I could create my stories and have people follow along and watch as the creative juices flowed. It started out pretty good. I wrote daily, stuck to my guns, and came up with a few really good posts. Then life, and all the things associated with work and family, seemed to kill my creativity for a while. A few weeks ago, I was asked, by a family member, how my book was going and when would it be finished. I went home and told myself that I had to get it done. I only needed to finish edits on the last few chapters and then I would be done. Last weekend after a few days of uninterrupted work, I finished the book. Now I want to start working on my next story. Hopefully I can hold on to my creativity and keep the blog going. If your all still with me, follow along as I try to entertain you with Stories From The Mind Of A King.